Monday, September 10, 2007

Election Guatemala

Yesterday I was beaten up by a Guatemalan woman named Olga. Well actually I paid her for a massage but she kept me on my toes by sporadically thumping and slapping me. It wasn´t quite the tension reliever I was hoping for after the whole stolen passport thing but whatever. Yesterday kinda sucked actually. There wasn´t much to do so I browsed in a few shops and then went to watch a movie in the back section of one of the restaurants in town. I´d recommend The Prestige to anyone who hasn´t seen it yet, it was excellent. I headed back to my hotel early since yesterday was the presidential election in Guatemala and I wanted to be at my hotel just in case. I attempted to watch the election on tv but they really are very boring so I watched part of the stupid movie RV on tv. Not much happened last night when the election was over. A few firecrackers and honking in the streets. A siren went by but not much else. This morning I found out that no party had gained the majority so there are currently 2 parties who have won this round of elections and a second election will be held in november to determine the final winner. The 2 parties who´ve won this round are UNE (I think it´s a liberalish party) and Mano Duro, whose voting slogan translates to ¨vote with a strong hand¨ and then there is a picture of a clenched fist. Very right-wing, pro security. I´m sure the election in November will be interesting.

This morning I went to the Canadian embassy in Guatemala city and filled out the forms for my passport. I´ll have to go back tomorrow to pick up the passport and then get a stamp from immigration but the lady at the embassy said it should all be ready in time although it seemed like a lot of work for her. Right now, I´m going to go back to a store where a woman overcharged me and cause a rucus just because I´ve had a very frustrating few days and need to blow off a little steam. It would be nice to get my money back too. Then later, I´m not sure. I might take a nap. I´m exhausted.

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