Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Hogar de Vida orphanage

Here is some more information about the Hogar de Vida orphanage.

Hogar de Vida was established in 1995 and is located in the small rural town of Atenas, Costa Rica. The orphanage began to provide homes for children who grow up in Costa Rican hospitals after being abandoned there. It is run by Tim and Dena Stromstad and partnered with Children of Promise International and World Orphans. There are currently two homes housing about 13 children each and a third home is being built. Children are aged 0-10. From what I can tell, there is a staff of 5 working at the orphanage along with volunteers.

Children placed in the home have been removed from their homes due to abuse of neglect and are placed at Hogar de Vida for 6-12 months while Child Services investigates. Following the investigation, children are either returned to their family, placed with extended family or remain at Hogar de Vida but become available for adoption into a new family. Many children stay longer than a year due to delays in the social system, difficulties placing large sibling groups or physical or mental disabilities. Child Services of Costa Rica provides about half the estimated cost to raise each child so Hogar de Vida relies on donations from individuals and organizations.

You can check out the websites for Hogar de Vida in Links. I'm getting really excited after looking at all the photos of these kids and reading past newsletters! They are so cute!

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